Q: Is RESCUE RUE available for licensing to perform in my local community?

A: Yes! Please reach out to for more information. With flexible cast and band sizes, as well as the ability to do the show with or without puppets, and minimal sets – not to mention the social message and educational lessons of the show – it’s a perfect choice for any school, community, or professional theater group.


Q: Speaking of which, what size is the cast and band?

A: The show is flexible in casting (and not just in size, but in gender-identity and beyond).  The cast can be as small as 6 performers and as large as 14 performers—potentially even more if the ensemble tracks are shared amongst different actors instead of multi-tracked to a core cast.

As for the band, the show is currently orchestrated for a band of 5 (drums, piano, keys, bass, guitar) with doubling. The doubling can be split up in order to have a larger band, as well as performed with a reduced put size (or just piano!) as well. As an alternative, tracks are also available.


Q: Does the show have to be performed with puppets?

A: Not necessarily. If a production chooses to do the musical without puppets, they can do so easily. That said, a set of rental puppets can be made available for interested parties, so no need to build your own set… unless you want to!